For the most up-to-date list of my publications, please see my Google Scholar page here.
Hardcastle, K.*, Marshall, J.D.*, Gellis, A., Klibaite, U., Wang, W., Chalyshkan, S., Ölveczky, B. P. (2023) "Differential kinematic coding in sensorimotor striatum across species-typical and learned behaviors reflects a difference in control". bioRxiv.
Hardcastle, K. (2023) "Spatial cognition: Uncovering navigational representations in prefrontal cortices." Current Biology Dispatch. 33(16):855-857.
Kadmon Harpaz, N.*, Hardcastle, K.*, Ölveczky, B. P. (2022) "Learning-induced changes in the neural circuits underlying motor sequence execution." Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 76:102624
Hardcastle, K. “A step-by-step guide home.” (2021) Nature Neuroscience. 24:1193-1195
Mallory, C.*, Hardcastle, K.*, Campbell M., Attinger, A., Low, I., Raymond, J., Giocomo, L. (2021) “Mouse entorhinal cortex encodes a diverse repertoire of self-motion signals”. Nature Communications. 12(1):671
Bant, J., Hardcastle, K., Ocko, S., Giocomo. L. (2020). “Topography in the bursting dynamics of entorhinal neurons” Cell Reports. 30(7):2349-2359
Munn, R.G.K, Mallory, C., Hardcastle, K., Chetkovich, D.M., Giocomo. L. (2020) “Entorhinal velocity signals reflect environmental geometry” Nature Neuroscience. 23: 239-251
Hardcastle, K., Giocomo. L. (2019) “Shifting sands of cortical divisions” Neuron. 102(1):8-11.
Butler, W.*, Hardcastle, K.*, Giocomo, L. (2019) “Remembered reward locations restructure entorhinal spatial maps” Science. 363(6434):1447-1452
Ocko, S., Hardcastle, K., Giocomo, L., Ganguli, S. (2018) “Emergent Elasticity in the Neural Code for Space” PNAS. 115(50): E11798-E11806
Mallory, C., Hardcastle, K.*, Bant, J.*, Giocomo, L. (2018) “Grid scale drives the scale and long-term stability of place maps” Nature Neuroscience. 21:270-282
Munn, R.G.K, Hardcastle K., Porter B., Bilkey, D.K. (2017) Circadian scale periodic bursts in theta and gamma-band coherence between hippocampus, cingulate, and insular cortices” Neurobiology of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms. 3: 26-37.
Hardcastle, K., Ganguli S., Giocomo L. (2017) “Cell types for our sense of location: where we are and where we are going.” Nature Neuroscience Perspective. 20:1474–1482.
Hardcastle, K., Maheswaranthan, N., Ganguli, S., Giocomo, L. (2017) “A Multiplexed, Heterogeneous, and Adaptive Code for Navigation in Medial Entorhinal Cortex” Neuron. 94:1-13.
Wang. X, Hardcastle, K., Weinberg, S., Smith, G.D. (2016) “Population Density and Moment-based Approaches to Modeling Domain Calcium-mediated Inactivation of L-type Calcium Channels” Acta Biotheoretica. 64(1):11-32.
Hardcastle, K., Ganguli, S., Giocomo, L. (2015) “Environmental Boundaries as an Error Correction Mechanism for Grid Cells” Neuron. 86(3):827-839.
Hardcastle, V.G. and Hardcastle, K. (2015) “A New Appreciation of Marr’s Levels: Understanding How Brains Break” Topics in Cognitive Science. 7(2): 259-273.
Hardcastle, K., Smith, G.D., Burk, J.A. (2013) “A Population Activity Model of Cortico-Striatal Circuitry Underlying Behavioral Inhibition in Rats" Globus Pallidus: Regional Anatomy, Functions/Dysfunctions and Role in Behavioral Disorders (eds. Gordon CR, Abbadelli TG). Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, NY, pp 67-92